Karma Bag

Question: JGD,  We are forced to react to certain practical situations in Life; for instance, when the Mosquito or any insect starts biting, we immediately respond to the extent of killing it. Will the above deed account for dvesha? If so, how to handle such situations, practically? Answer: Action does not create karma. It is the […]

Karma in babies

Question: At what age does a person starts creating karma? When a child is born, he does not have this attachment to action and he naturally does what comes to him, but again the child does not have any understanding of awareness and knowledge. so both these thoughts are conflicting because one who does not […]

Abiding in the Self!

Question: There is a sort of ‘bond’ between the awareness and the mind. The awareness goes out every time (away from the self to the world). And this connection or bond must be broken. How can I break this connection? I know that I have to take a step back every time I notice I am […]

How to deal with misbehavior?

Question: After working with a person, some habit/pattern and memory came up. It reminds me that she acted like my ex-boss who needs us to respect her and follow her lead; but at some points, my ego tells me: No, this is not right! I should do those things which I think is right. As […]

Thought body and Intuitive body

Question: What’s the difference between thought body and intuitive body? Answer: Only awareness is the tool that can help distinguish a thought from an intuition. Here are a few tell-tale signs. Thought – Very clearly, if you notice a raaga or dvesha lurking in the background. Then you know it is a thought. This is […]

I and You

Question: With every episode, this knowledge is going in circles. Everything feeds off of the other. Ego dissolves in Love, now Ashtavakra says move from love to knowledge and then drop knowledge to move to love in which you dissolve. The example, that sometimes ignorance (where there is no mind or in other words no […]